

Winston (@WinstonTabby)
Nipchef extrodinare Consement Ladys cat and father to enough kittens to populate a small city, Winston is always ready to pawty. (It is hard work earning enough money to pay all that kitten support)
Shayna (@ShaynaCat) With more jobs than a kitteh has lives, Shayna is the busiest cat on social media. With a passion for music, Shayna's favourite job is Lead Guitarist for Sweet Moo and the Trublemakers
Moo (@Doggymolly) Moo is sweet and innocent. Never ever norty and always well pawhaved. Yet, she seems to end up in more trouble than you would believe. Moo is also lead singer for Sweet Moo and The Troublemaker

Truman (@TrumonBond) Excellent nipchef, Author of best selling books Manager of Sweet Moo and the Troublemakers. (Truman is bark tending today because the band's bail fund is seriously empty after the last visit to Mexico)
A special thank you to Penny & Tippy (@Meow_Girls) for promoting the pawty


  1. I had no idea that the Staff was all my favorite Pals.

    1. Katie, you are a sweetheart! You are one of my favorite pals too!

  2. It means so much to me that these great pals are volunteering to help me out at the wake
